Accelerating digital transformation of carrier operations to enable business success


Digital transformation of operations at telecommunications carriers is essential to an increasingly connected and intelligent future. The Operations Transformation Forum 2022 (OTF 2022) will explore topics related to accelerating the digital transformation of carriers to enable business success, discuss how to drive carriers’ digital transformation through data and experience, and examine how carriers can increase their revenue through digital services.

Realising a connected and intelligent world through the digital transformation of carrier operations

The threat to business continuity posed by the covid-19 crisis, along with new technologies like 5G and the cloud, has given fresh urgency to the push towards automation and digitalisation. However, the ongoing transformation occurring at telecommunications carriers rarely comes under the media’s spotlight. Perhaps it is the very ubiquity of the services carriers provide that lets many take them for granted, yet for dreams of an ever more connected future to become a reality, their continued transformation is essential.

Huawei highlights best practices for the digital transformation of operations

In the face of network complexity and new technological changes such as the adoption of 5G, cloud and autonomous networks, and to support carriers’ digital transformation, Huawei began to formulate a long-term digital transformation strategy in 2017 to improve customer experience and satisfaction and respond quickly at the customer level.

Huawei’s digital transformation effort centres on a multi-domain strategy synergising four areas including services, platforms, technologies and ecosystems. “We want to make digital transformation a long-term strategy, which is why we focus on the domains that have the highest benefits for our customers,” says Bill Tang, president of global technical service at Huawei. He adds that in recent years, the company has received numerous positive responses from customers whose complex projects were delivered quickly thanks to this approach.

“Telecom operators working with Huawei are now earning revenues not just from the traditional voice and data traffic services, but are expanding their business portfolio to new, digital services.”
Bill Tang, president, global technical service, Huawei

Likewise, where carriers need resources for services like network optimisation or maintenance, Huawei provides a digital platform integrating features including high-tech predictive technology, fault analysis trees, high-risk identification rules management, and interception of malicious attacks and illegal network access. Carriers can use predictions to ensure stable network operations and high-quality deployment and integration. Knowledge graphs and augmented reality (AR) technologies further help to enhance accuracy. Mr Tang sees this as a central promise of digital transformation, especially considering the potential represented by 5G.


In the future, digital services will be a key source of revenue. As an example, Huawei is currently working to bring customer engagement centre solutions to carriers in China, which are in turn supporting the provision of services to the public. “Carriers that once relied on traditional voice and data traffic services for their revenues are now working with Huawei to expand their business portfolio to cover new digital services,” Mr Tang says. “That is how they create new revenue streams and strengthen their brand.”


“We want to make digital transformation a long-term strategy, which is why we focus on the domains that have the highest impacts on our customers.”
Bill Tang, president, global technical service, Huawei.


Carriers offer digital transformation capabilities to their customers


With the advent of an era in telecommunications driven by data and cloud technologies, developing the enterprise market will be a key to carriers’ success. Huawei co-operates with top operators in industry scenarios including unmanned cranes, AR remote assembly, steel rolling, unmanned driving at ports, and image recognition and quality inspection in other high-tech fields. With the support of Huawei’s digital systems, carriers can provide on-site operation management to these fields of enterprise.


Operations Transformation Forum 2022 (OTF 2022)


Huawei’s eighth annual Operations Transformation Forum (OTF 2022) will be held in Barcelona on March 1st and 2nd 2022, seeing stakeholders from across the sector coming together to discuss and share success stories and best practices for accelerating digital transformation.


“We aim to improve the efficiency of carriers and increase their revenue,” says Mr Tang. “In this way, we can make our contribution to realising a fully connected, intelligent world and bringing people new digital lifestyles.”


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